Dr. Stefan Sommer headshot

Other Appointments

Faculty, Department of Biological Sciences
Northern Arizona University

Contact Information

Call: (928) 523-4463

Email: Stefan.Sommer@nau.edu

Stefan Sommer, Ph.D.

Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes

Stefan Sommer is a Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes affiliate. He is also an affiliate in the Department of Biological Sciences. Stefan’s area of interest is community ecology, sustainability, climate change, and education outreach. He is a founding board member of NAU’s Sustainable Ambassadors Program and serves on the board of directors of the Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance. He has worked with over 160 Arizona teachers to improve their science knowledge and teaching. He was a hired consultant on the development of Flagstaff’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. His public presentations on climate change and sustainability have reached tens of thousands of citizens across northern Arizona and beyond. Stefan is the executive producer of four award-winning PBS documentaries on biodiversity and habitat conservation.


  1. 1993

    Ph.D., Biology

    University of New Mexico
  2. 1986

    M.S., Zoology

    University of Maryland, College Park
  3. 1980

    B.S., Conservation of Natural Resources

    University of California, Berkeley

Professional Experience

  1. 2003-present
    Faculty, Department of Biological Sciences
    Northern Arizona University
  2. 2003-2020
    Director of Education, Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research
    Northern Arizona University
  3. 2004-2006
    Deputy Director for Public Programs
    Museum of Northern Arizona
  4. 1998-2003
    Director, Natural Heritage Center
    Idaho State University
  5. 1991-2003
    Adjunct Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
    Idaho State University


  • 2018
    Sustainability Leadership Faculty Award
    Office of Sustainability, Northern Arizona University
  • 2007
    Audience Favorite Award for the documentary "A River Reborn"
    North American Association for Environmental Education